About Us

Nto Annang Foundation USA Inc.(NAF) is a socio-cultural organization of Annang indigenes in the Americas. Incorporated in 1991, we strive to foster unity and understanding among and between the Annangs and other heterogeneous ethnic groups or international bodies throughout the world. As a non-profit 501(C3) corporation, all donations to the Nto Annang foundation are tax-deductable.

We aim to,

  1. Foster unity and understanding among and between the Annangs and other heterogeneous ethnic groups or international bodies throughout the world
  2. Promote Annang culture in the United States and in Nigeria.
  3. Provide educational assistance and counseling services to people who need and can benefit from such services.
  4. Conduct and/or support scientific, technological, educational, agricultural, health, economic and environmental research programs that may improve the quality of life of the people through better housing, nutrition, health, and literacy.

The Annang people of southeastern Nigeria consist of over one million people in the western part of Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria. The Annangs are indigenous to Abak, Ikot Ekpene, Ika, Ukanafun, Etim Ekpo, Obot Akara, Essien Udim and Oruk Anam local government of the State.

They share a common boundary with the Igbos to the northwest and southwest, the Ibibios to the northeast, east, and southeast. They speak Annang language with its various dialects.

The culture and traditions of the Annangs requires great respect for the elders. This allows the chiefs and elders to govern effectively. It is the elder from each family that sits in the village council where decisions are made in a republican fashion.

The Ekpo society is the law enforcement arm for the traditional councils. The elders, who according to tradition are the link to the past are always asked to remember and praise our ancestors in any gathering. This is usually done by pouring libation and invoking some form of incantation.

The Annangs are farmers, artisans, and traders. Their craftsmanship in raffia and woodcarving is well known. Their trading in palm oil led to the establishment of the United African Company (UAC) in Ika. This was the site in 1929 where the now famous Aba women’s riot started.

The Annangs have many cultural celebrations. Principal among these are Akata, Ekong, Asian Akan Anwan, Eka Ekong, and Ekpo masquerade. Akata was the investigative unit for the traditional council while Ekpo was the law enforcement unit. The Annangs have many famous cultural groups of which Uko Akpan and Nka Ikemesit are the most prominent.


Nto Annang Foundation USA Inc. (NAF) is organized into chapters. Each chapter consists of dues paying members. The activities of NAF are centered around the chapters as well as the national secretariat. We have chapters in the following areas:

Our Leadership

Past Leadership

Our Projects

Past Projects


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Contact Us

P. O. Box 93994, Atlanta, Georgia 30377